
Ask your doctor about minimally invasive surgery

Only your surgeon can guide what the appropriate treatment options for you and your condition. But if you are interested in learning more about this treatment modality, the questions below may help in the dialogue with your doctor or surgeon:

  • Is surgery minimally invasive appropriate for me?
  • What are the benefits of this procedure?
  • What are the risks?
  • How many minimally invasive procedures practiced You?
  • How many procedures of this specific type you practiced?
  • Do you perform the procedure?
  • What is the average recovery time?
  • How quickly return to my home?
  • How quickly I join my daily activities, including work, school, exercise, sexual and recreational activity?
  • You Work with a team or specialist in minimally invasive surgery staff?

If you are not satisfied with the answers, consider the need for a second opinion. You are an integral part of their recovery process, and therefore, must be comfortable with the doctor and the treatment chosen.

minimaFor more information about minimally invasive surgery you can visit these links below, or download our brochure (spanish):